Transporting cargo across the world can be a complicated and costly process. However, by following a few simple guidelines, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your freight forwarding operations.

Map your business

Forward planning increases the success rate of your operations. By having a clear understanding of the goods that need to be transported, by what time, and to which destination, you can work with a freight forwarder to create custom solutions. If you do not clearly define your freight forwarding objectives in terms of services and costs, you may experience negative consequences in the future. This could in turn negatively impact your own service level and customer satisfaction. A well-defined and streamlined shipping process can save money because it reduces the risk of delays and other related costs.

Select the right partner

Given the complexity of the industry, finding a reliable partner is essential. Freight is usually one of the main expenses in the supply chain, so working with the right partner can increase your profitability and operational efficiency. When selecting a freight forwarder, end-to-end capability is an important factor. Working with one rather than multiple providers can improve efficiency and streamline accountability. Levaco provides a full range of services including different shipping options by sea, air, and road, and in addition offers customs, trucking, short/long-term and bonded warehouse storage.

Embrace digital solutions

The freight forwarding industry has seen a great leap forward due to the advancement of technology. Digitalisation contributes to transparency, accuracy, and cost reduction. So, working with forwarders who offer a digital tracking system solution, can simplify your day-to-day business. At Levaco, we work with state-of-the art technology and software systems to enhance operations, increase efficiency and overall improve communication streams.

Communication is key

Information about shipping schedules, plans and conditions, transit times, inventory, warehousing, … should be clear-cut. Transparency ensures that everyone involved is aware of their responsibilities and tasks. Inadequate, incomplete, or incorrect information severely impedes operations and invariably leads to financial loss.

Due to current geopolitical and supply chain kinks, potential delays should be factored into the equation. However, you can mitigate consequences by keeping your clients informed throughout the course of the adventure. Informed clients can adjust their workflow and update their own customers. A lack of information can jeopardize your and their business. Therefore, we recommend maintaining a close line of communication with both your forwarder as well as your own clients. A smooth flow of information is paramount to the success of freight forwarding solutions and should always be a two-way street.

Don’t rest on your laurels

Even if business is going well, it is beneficial to continually evaluate performance and key performance indicators (KPIs) because it can provide a positive feedback loop and greatly aid to improve your freight operations. Doing so will allow you to recognize areas that need improvement and address possible issues before they become serious. Establishing clear expectations for your freight forwarder and conducting regular evaluations will ensure you are on the same page and avoid any misunderstandings. We strive for a proactive relationship with our clients, and our services are always adapted to meet their needs.

At Levaco, we strive to provide the best advice and assistance, along with standard operating procedures, transparent communication, and a technology driven reporting system to ensure powerful and creative forwarding solutions enabling your goods to arrive securely, safely and on time. Contact us for further information at